Attractions around the Bray Grove Farm area
(click the green headings for links to directions and more information)
Grundy County Corn Fest - A week of live entertainment, farm and home demonstrations and exhibitions, contests, culminating in a parade at the end of September.
Morris Cruise Night - Classic cars, food, and music line downtown Liberty street, the second Saturday of the month, June through October.
Midewin National Tall Grass Prairie - Enjoy the restored prairie and catch a siting of the bison herd.
Mazon Creek Fossils - Strip mining unearthed choice fossils along the Mazon creek. If you can avoid the bugs, you can enjoy some prolific fossil hunting.
Briscoe Burial Mounds, in Channahon. Native American burial mounds from 1200 to 1500 AD.
Brothers Country Supply - Great selection of feed and essentials for your mule, horse, goat, duck, chicken, cat, dog, bird . . .
Big R - The local farm and ranch store - everything from equipment to Carhardt, animal and people feed, and a great selection of farm related toys.
Shopping in downtown Morris - The quaint shops on Liberty from Illinois to Benson Streets, offer clothing, home goods, gifts, and resale items. Some of the highlights are Blackbird's Bowl , Grand Schwinn Cyclery, Apple Butter and Shugies, The Front Porch, and Our Home to Yours.
Dining in Grundy County - There are numerous dining establishments in the area - the Morris Chop Shop, Morris Diner, Boz Hotdogs, Sherwood Oaks, Maria's Ristorante and Pizzeria, and Al's Family Restaurant.
Route 66 - Get your kicks with seeing these sites:
Braidwood - This old coal mining town boasts The Polka-Dot Drive-In with its celebrity statues.
Gardner - Take a photo of yourself at the two-cell jail.
Joliet - Collins Street Prison, Rialto Theater, and the Joliet Area Historical Museum & Route 66 Welcome Center
WIlmington - Will someone please resurrect the Launching Pad Restaurant with its Gemini Giant? A block west you'll find a charming Sinclair dinosaur.
Attractions around the Bray Grove Farm area
(click the highlighted headings for links to addresses and more information)
Route 66 Attractions - Get your kicks with seeing these sites:
Braidwood - This old coal mining town boasts The Polka-Dot Drive-In with its celebrity statues.
Gardner - Take a photo of yourself at the two-cell jail.
Joliet - Collins Street Prison, Rialto Theater, and the Joliet Area Historical Museum & Route 66 Welcome Center
Wilmington - the Launching Pad Restaurant and its Gemini Giant! A block west you'll find a charming Sinclair dinosaur.
Area Attractions
Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area - Seven miles of hiking trails through prairie and marsh.
Midewin National Tall Grass Prairie - Enjoy the restored prairie and catch a siting of the bison herd.
Mazon Creek Fossils - Strip mining unearthed choice fossils along the Mazon creek. If you can avoid the bugs, you can enjoy some prolific fossil hunting.
Briscoe Burial Mounds, in Channahon. Native American burial mounds from 1200 to 1500 AD.
Mine Disaster Monument, Braidwood - In 1883, 69 coal workers and their trusted mule partners died in the Diamond Mine.
Grundy County Corn Fest - A week of live entertainment, farm and home demonstrations, exhibitions, and contests, culminating in a parade at the end of September.
Morris Cruise Night - Classic cars, food, and music line downtown Liberty street, the second Saturday of the month, June through October.
Dining in Grundy County
There are numerous dining establishments in the area - including Sherwood Oaks, the Morris Diner, Boz Hotdogs, Maria's Ristorante and Pizzeria, and Al's Family Restaurant.
Shopping in downtown Morris
The quaint mom and pop shops offer clothing, home goods, gifts, and vintage items. Some of the highlights are Blackbird's Bowl, Grand Schwinn Cyclery, Apple Butter and Shugies, The Front Porch, The Feathered Nest, Whimsy, Ruby Begonia's, and Our Home to Yours.
Shopping off Division (Route 47) in Morris
Brothers Country Supply - Great selection of feed and essentials for your mule, horse, goat, duck, chicken, cat, dog, bird, etc. and Big R - The local farm and ranch store - everything from equipment to Carhardt, animal and people feed, and a great selection of farm related toys.
Other area highlights
We Care of Grundy County - local resource for those in need. Bray Grove Farm dedicates a portion of our harvest to their food pantry.